Prior to 1987 Coronet Bay residents met in houses as well as a shed to discuss items concerning the community. It was agreed around this time that in order to be formally recognised by the Shire of Bass, Western Port Regional Planning Authority, Town and Country Planning and local and state Ministers of Parliament (MPs) that The Coronet Bay Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc (CBR&RA) was formally registered with Consumers Affairs Victoria on the 20/1/1987.

Founders of the CBR&RA were Mr Tom Haughton and Mr Frederick Kirk Gration (also known as Freddie) the latter organised the first community Trash’n’Treasure sale and would also knock on doors and ask residents for donations of unwanted furniture and bric’a’brac which he would store on his farm. Sales from these items as well as the money collected from the weekly collection of bottles and paper proved an outstanding success helping to finance the toilet block on the foreshore and the local hall. The Gration’s involvement in the stall continues to this day. Over the years through memberships, raffles, stalls and donations the CBR&RA has been able to fight on behalf of the community. For years the CBR&RA committee and members have fought for the infill development rather than more coastal development to the south of Coronet Bay, against the closure of the old boat ramp (now redefined as the small portable boat ramp), and we continue to fight, for the protection of the Banksia Grove and more amenities for the community.

Thanks to the Coronet Bay Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association from 1987 to the current day, we have a Community Hall (CBR&RA would have to raise $20,000 towards the Hall before BCSC would even consider the projects viability), two reserves (one being 6.09 hectare appropriately named the Fred Gration Reserve off Gellibrand Street which came about as the open space contribution made by Coastal Estates for their entire development), mains water, drains, picnic area, BBQs and children play facilities on the foreshore with a permanent public toilet.

In October 2023, members of the Coronet Bay Ratepayer’s and Resident’s Association along with members of the Coronet Bay Combined Community Group, agreed to amalgamate the two groups and change the name of the association to the Coronet Bat Community Association.

Membership was extended to include regular volunteers in the community and local businesses operating in the Coronet Bay vicinity.

To be kept informed of events, meet your community and receive regular updates and news regarding our delightful and fast growing town, join the CBCA and get involved.